
The New York Times søger praktikanter med journalistiske multimediekompetencer

The New York Times stiller en række tekniske krav til folk, der skal producere journalistiske multimedie-præsentationer og -grafikker.

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På Mindy McAdams’ blog opdagede jeg indlægget ‘New York Times seeks multimedia journalism interns. Mindy faldt over et opslag, hvor The New York Times efterspørger praktikanter med følgende egenskaber:

  • Front-end Interactive Designer: full skill-set of client-side technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Prototype. Experience with Ruby on Rails is a plus.
  • Motion Design Storyteller: working knowledge of AfterEffects and Photoshop in producing motiongraphics. Final Cut a plus. We are looking for someone to help grow the motion design side of storytelling. So applicant must have a strong sense of timing and narrative and have the ability to implement a variety of creative styles.
  • Interactive Flash Journalist: Advanced programming knowledge and experience in Flash and ActionScript 3. Experience with Photoshop and Illustrator is a plus.

Det er altså serious stuff at kræve at folk, der skal være med til at præge nyhedsstrømmen:

The program is intended to further develop the skills that would enable the intern to become a producer at NYTimes.com. Training on-site is essential in order to get a sense for what it is like to work in the newsroom. When a news story breaks, the intern will experience first hand how news judgments are made and how the plans for covering a story take shape.

Lad os håbe, at nogle danske newsrooms følger The New York Times’ eksempel.

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