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En af de helt store historier i medieverden i ugens løb var naturligvis Apples indholdsplatform, News+. Derfor får du her en række artikler, der samler op på præsentationen samt nogle af reaktionerne og analyserne.
Apple has just revealed its new Apple News Plusservice, which adds magazines to the Apple News app. The emphasis is on curation, high quality, and trust, all of which Apple considers essential for a news and magazine consumption app. There will be over 300 magazines, such as The New Yorker, Esquire, The Atlantic, National Geographic, Men’s Health, and Vogue, and Apple News Plus will be “the only place” where you’ll be able to get all of them at once.
The Verge
WSJ uden kerneindhold
Det er værd at bemærke, at skønt en avis som The Wall Street Journal er med, så er det ikke med deres kerneindhold. I stedet er det med et kurateret produkt samt nye stofområder, som man vil hyre op til 50 journalister ind til at dække:
The publisher will hire about 50 more journalists to write articles, some of which could run exclusively on Apple’s service, Lewis said. They’ll focus on nonfinancial beats, like sports, politics, culture and lifestyle. The Journal will likely expand its sports coverage specifically for the service and hire more political reporters, he said.
That’s a much bigger bet than I would make — but Rupert Murdoch has historically been more successful in creating media businesses than I have. (On the other hand, one of those was The Daily, an iPad-exclusive publication that died a quick deathwhen not enough people subscribed to it.)
The Verge
The Wall Street Journal har flere årsager til at være på Apple News+:
But, aside from using the platform as an acquisition tool, certain ad units on Apple News were performing better than on the Journal’s own site, according to Josh Stinchcomb, global chief revenue officer, media sales for Dow Jones.
Ingen NYTimes og WaPo
En del aviser og nyhedsmedier brillerer dog ved deres fravær på News+. Inden lanceringen skrev Digiday:
Those terms, plus the fact that Apple will control the customer relationship and most of the data about who is reading what content, have been enough to turn off several publishers, including The New York Times and the Washington Post.
“For publishers who were making a premium on subscriptions — and deservedly so — to opt in on a potential for incremental revenue is missing what made them valuable in the first place,” said Keith Hernandez, former publishing executive and founder of consultancy Launch Angle.
Forinden havde The New York Times’ administrerende direktør ligefrem advaret mod, at man som udgiver bliver for afhængig af tredjepart, altså Apple i dette tilfælde:
“We tend to be quite leery about the idea of almost habituating people to find our journalism somewhere else,” he told Reuters in an interview on Thursday. “We’re also generically worried about our journalism being scrambled in a kind of Magimix (blender) with everyone else’s journalism.”
Lunken modtagelse
Der er dog heller ikke den store interesse fra danske medier, umiddelbart, skriver Journalisten:
”Hvis Apple bliver succesfuld med Apple News+, så er det et eksempel på, at vi som medier lægger vores indhold i hænderne på en anden kanal, som skal stå for distributionen og prioriteringen af vores indhold,” siger Jørn Broch.
For dem, der ventede, at Apple ville revolutionere nyheder digitalt, var News+ en fæl skuffelse:
Apple News Plus is a fine way to read magazines, but a disappointment to anyone wishing for a real boost for the news business
Nieman Lab
Men måske har News+ et andet værditilbud end leverandører af indhold?
The more interesting part of yesterday’s event, Nail says, is Apple’s implicit message. “They’re saying, ‘We’re on your side, we’re going to protect you.’ But the tradeoff is, ‘You have to live in our ecosystem and pay the prices we charge.’” In the age of Facebook and Google, Nail says, that’s a proposition that consumers may find compelling.
“Digital publishers see Apple News+ as a testbed, not savior” skriver Digiday:
Vox, for example, will use Apple News+ to test a kind of windowing strategy, where the handful of pieces it publishes there every week, via a product called the Highlight, will be available exclusively on Apple News+ for a week before they are released widely.
Min analyse
Jeg samler op, analyserer og perspektiverer i et blogindlæg hos Journalisten:
For nu ligner Apple News+ dog mest af alt en digital magasinkiosk uden den puls og frekvens, vi kender fra nyhedsmedier. Det er ikke nødvendigvis en dårlig ting, men det er noget andet, end hvad mange forventede. Fordi det trods alt er Apple, og fordi mange er trætte af at skulle have fem abonnementer, hvis de vil læse artikler fra fem netaviser.
Det bliver dog ikke News+, der løser dette problem. Ikke i første bølge, i hvert fald.
I min analyse lægger jeg vægt på, at Apple News+ faktisk slet ikke handler ret meget om nyhederlige nu. I stedet handler det rigtig meget om magasiner, hvilket The Verge også har skrevet om.
Du finder også en fin opsamling og en masse links hos Columbia Journalisten Review:
With Apple News+, will publishers get what they bargained for?
Er det ikke bare Newsstand om igen?
Inverse har lavet denne YouTube-video, hvor de sammenligner lanceringen af News+ med Apples lancering af Newsstand tilbage i 2011. Der er… en del ligheder, lad os bare sige det sådan.
Originalfoto: Pixabay