Distribution Journalistik Tendenser

10 ting at lære fra de sociale medier og Mumbai

Jeg har tidligere skrevet om, hvordan de sociale medier blæste igennem på historien om terrorangrebene i Mumbai. Kim Elmose har også et godt indlæg om især brugen af mikroblogtjenesten Twitter.

Nu har en af mine personlige helte, Mindy McAdams, samlet en liste med 10 punkter, som vi kan lære efter eksemplet med Mumbai og sociale medier. Listen bringes her, i ikke-oversat tilstand:

  1. Breaking news will be online before it’s on television.
  2. Breaking news — especially disasters and attacks in the middle of a city — will be covered first by non-journalists.
  3. The non-journalists will continue providing new information even after the trained journalists arrive on the scene.
  4. Cell phones will be the primary reporting tool at first, and possibly for hours.
  5. Cell phones that can use a wireless Internet connection in addition to a cellular phone network are a more versatile reporting tool than a phone alone.
  6. Still photos, transmitted by citizens on the ground, will tell more than most videos.
  7. The right video will get so many views, your servers might crash (I’m not aware of this happening with any videos from Mumbai).
  8. Live streaming video becomes a user magnet during a crisis. (CNN.com Live: 1.4 million views as of 11:30 a.m. EST today, according to Beet.tv.)
  9. Your print reporters need to know how to dictate over the phone. If they can get a line to the newsroom, it might be necessary.
  10. Your Web team must be prepared for this kind of crisis reporting.

Læs hele Mindys indlæg — det er vældig interessant.

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